Saturday, September 29, 2012

Van Gogh's Starry Night as you've never seen it before.

Alex Parker, a PHD astronomy student took Van Gogh's 1889 painting,one of the most famous paintings in the history of art, and built it back up from arguably humanity's other most famous space portraits - those taken by the Hubble telescope over the last 20 years.

via Daily Mail

Click And Drag

Ok. Seriously now. Are you bored enough to make it to the end?

Friday, September 28, 2012


Bored again? Monoface is a flash site, ideal for killing time. Just play with the face characteristics to make one of the thousand possible faces. Really well made and fun.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Where did all the money go?

The world wide financial problem. Huge issue. These are two infographics explaining some of the causes. The first one illustrates how the problem started, and the second one shows the results of surveys about the consumers' savings behavior.

Where did all the money go?(Larger)

Making Sense of the Financial Mess: Where Did All The Money Go?

Consumers' savings behavior (larger)

Consumers' Savings Behaviors

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Any enviromental concerns? How about water, the most precious element in our lives? Waterlife is a flash site, offering a preview of the documentary of the same name, giving it's audience a wonderful experience of the lust cinematography and rich storytelling found in the film. Well designed and really informative. Great playback, too.

 Check it out:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

16: Moments

This short film by will hoffman is a celebration of life, inspired by David Eagleman's book, Sum. The quick cuts and random images show how our minds visually remember memories. This video is a nice reminder that the most wonderful moments that make up our lives vary from really special times to the simpliest things. And every memory can be depicted in so many different frames of reference.  By radiolab.

Student Budget

Infographics: The breakdown of average student budget.

Monday, September 24, 2012

No shit!

Just some cool facts...


Bored? This highly addictive website lets you conduct a beatbox in a fun and unconventional way... Combine beats, melodies, voices and other effects to make your own compositions. Record, share and compete. A really well-developed flash application. Check it out:
